Handforth Grange Primary School
Reset Password
Please enter your email address and
click Reset Password.
Click, do not press enter.
If your email exists, an email will be sent with instructions on how to complete your password reset.
Reset Password
If your email exists, an email will be sent with instructions on how to reset your password. Please allow upto 20 minutes for this email to deliver.
The email will be sent from handforthgrange@email.schoolsynergy.co.uk.
Please check your spam/junk folders.
Email Verification
A verification email has been sent.
Please be sure to check your spam/junk folders for the verification email.
If you're still unable to find the verification email, please contact your school.
Go to login
Reset Password
Your password reset has been successful.
Click Login below.
Reset Password
Your password reset has failed. Please click close to start the process again.
If you experience difficulties please contact School Synergy support.
Verification Required
Please check your email for an authentication code.
Enter the code or click the link within the email.
Enter code:
Incorrect Code
Go back to login
Verification Successful
Thank you for confirming your identity.
You are now being logged into your account.
Verification Failed
This link has expired or you have exceeded 3 attempts.
Please try logging in again to restart the process.
Go back to login
Login Failed
The Microsoft/Google account used to authenticate does not exist within Synergy.
Please sign out and try again using your School Email.
Sign Out
Login Failed
The Microsoft/Google account used to authenticate has been disabled.
Please contact your School Administrator.
Sign Out
Login Failed
Microsoft/Google Single Sign-On is unsupported on this browser/device combination.
Click the 'GO BACK TO LOGIN' button to login using your email and password.
Use the 'RESET PASSWORD' button if you need to reset your Synergy password.
Go back to login
Login Failed
Microsoft/Google Single Sign-On has been disabled for staff.
Please contact your School Administrator.
Sign Out
Login Failed
Microsoft/Google Single Sign-On has been disabled for students.
Please contact your School Administrator.
Sign Out
Transfer Failed
Something went wrong during your transfer.
Please try again or contact support.
LDAP Service
The LDAP service has been retired.
Please use Single Sign On.
Go back to login
Access Blocked
Your account is unable to login outside your School.
Please contact your School Administrator.
Go back to login
School Leaders: Click for more information about Attend